Necros Illuminatos Fantasy Art Pinup
A witchy/vampy, fantasy art pinup kind of vibe tonight. This was another late-night doodle, trying out the new Daz Studio update now that it works on Mac again.

“Stop! Keep Your Hands Where I Can See Them!” – Police Motorcycle Pinup
A new police motorcycle pin-up for 2021 called “Stop! Keep Your Hands Where I Can See Them!”

Green With Envy 2020
Another late night doodle. I’ve been trying finally teach myself lighting in DazStudio so I naturally had to do an orb in the hand, which I think came out quite nicely. I think I am getting my groove back…

Electric Eyes 2020
I’ve been really into working with darks, neon colors and shadows lately. I wanted to have some sort of cyberpunk, Outrun-Style 3D feel, so it started as all blue, but then I got a little carried away with my new set of Ron’s Sci-Fi Optical Flares and I ended up creating lots of duplicate layers and adding colors.

Hey There Big Guy 2020 – Sci-Fi Robot
I was in a giant robot, sci-fi kind of mood last night. This one is called “Hey There Big Guy 2020” I didn’t do full renders (only about 75%) because I wanted everything to be a little grainy.
Last night was one of those times where I felt that I was really in “the zone.” I am envious of people with the discipline to do this for a living. I think I could do only digital art forever and be totally happy.
I am available for a select amount of commissions. For More Information: